Minimal Aeronautical Experience Required

  • FAA require to log 50 hours of Cross Country as a PIC (Pilot in Command) that you can build part of your time building.

  • Student will perform one cross country flights with a CFII (certified flight instructor instrument). Flight of 250 nautical miles, with three different instrument approaches used at each airport.

  • Student will receive and log at least 15 hours with a CFII towards his Instrument Rating. In average takes around 30 hours.

  • Student pilot will receive and log at least 3 hours of preparation for check-ride training.

Total Avg. 35 Flight Hours


  • Knowledge test is also known as a written test, it’s a test that a student pilot will take over a computer at an FAA designated facility, average cost $165.

  • An average of 15 hours is recommended by Pilot in Training Flight Academy and aviation industry. Contact Pilot in Training sales team to get the best program that will work for you.

Note: Review FAR/AIM Part 61 for more accurate and up to date information regarding the IFR requirements.




Per Hour

Average aircraft rental rates on the market are $170- $220 per hour



Per Hour

Average instructor rates on the market are
$60 - $85 per hour

Note: Pilot in Training Flight Academy is charging Fuel Surcharge due to rapid increase in fuel prices. Please contact Pilot in Training Flight Academy for more accurate rates.


  • As minimum as 2 months to a 6 months and it all directly depends on student pilot’s schedule and availability.

  • We would highly recommend to make sure you have at least 50 hours of cross country hours logged prior your start.

    But the best action will be to reach out to our team of exports to schedule a free consultation and build a unique training program that will fit your schedule, availability and budget.

  • We recommend to have at least 50 hours of cross country flight hours logged prior you start.

    Reach out to our Chief Instructor or the office for more information on how you can save on your time building and at the same time practice for the Instrument Rating.

  • As the average to complete the Instrument Rating is around the 35 hours, we can multiply that by the hourly rate.

    Pilot in Training provides a free consultation on how you can get the best outcome from your training and save money on your flight or ground training.

    Reach out to our Pilot in Training team of professional flight and ground instructors for your free consultation today at 301.764.2888

    We regularly run promotions. Please reach out to us to find out about it.

  • Yes, as long as you have legal status in the US. Anyone who is not a US citizen has to go through an TSA FTSP background check. Click Here for instructions and more information.